On The Druids: Poet, Healer, Smith: Brigid of Many Names

01/26/2019 2:00 PM - 01/26/2019 3:30 PM
Irish Cultural Center
1106 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85004


Join us for our fourth installment of our lecture series at the Irish Cultural Center as we explore the fascinating connections with the Goddess Brigid and St. Bridget. Who was Brigid? Where does her story begin and how did she come to be revered? What footprints are left of her legacy across Europe as she came to be a Saint? Join us as we journey with Brigid through her many incarnations throughout myth and history. Presented by Michelle West.

Please call the Irish Cultural Center at 602-864-2357 or email academy@azirish.org for information. Walk-ins welcome.