On The Druids: The Indo-European Language Tree

02/23/2019 2:00 PM - 02/23/2019 3:30 PM
Irish Cultural Center
1106 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85004


We continue our lecture series at the Irish Cultural Center with The Indo-European Language Tree.
What languages and cultures fall along the branches of the Indo-European language tree? When did they separate and how did the tribes migrate across the continent and the islands?
What are the newest theories regarding the Celtic languages and when/how they arrived to their current locales? Join us as we explore the fascinating connections with our Indo-European language roots. Presented by Michelle West.

Register and pay at azirish.org. $15 members, $18 non-members. Please call the Irish Cultural Center at 602-864-2357 or email academy@azirish.org for information. Walk-ins welcome.